Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Day to Remember Your Father

For those of us whose father has died, it is even more important to celebrate Father's Day. It is a day to remember all those special moments that we spent with our father-- all the funny episodes, all the emotional moments, all the times we got angry or frustrated and all the tender moments.

For those of us who were caretakers for our fathers, today we reflect on all those impossible times when we became the adult and our father became the child.

For those of you who are lucky enough to still have your father in your lives, this should be a day of thanks. I wish all of your fathers a happy day!

It is important to honor our fathers who are deceased at least one day a year. I choose to honor my father's memory by donating to the Alzheimer's Foundation on this Father's Day.


  1. Both of my parents are now dead. I totally agree with your picture of how young you feel when both parents die! You can't believe you aren't able to just pick up the phone and talk to them. I keep my parents' phone number in my cell phone, thinking it a sneaky way to let me believe they're still there if I need them. I used to think people silly who stood at a grave and talked to the dead, but now I have done it myself! And felt better for it! Without my heavenly Father now, I'd be lost. And of course my mother-in-law, who, fortunately, I always called "Mom"!

  2. Thank you for your comments.

    It is interesting all the things we can come up with to cope with our loss. In your case, keeping your parents' phone numbers in your cell phone directory.
    None of these things are silly if they allow us to remember our parents.
